Saturday, November 7, 2009

Our Calendar of Events

Hey Guys.
Sorry - no animal shelter today. We need to vote again about our trips and community service and see how important they are to us.

So much to do, so little time!

Nov 14 - StarGlazers Pottery 1-2:30 (Bring Mom too!)
Nov 16 - Scout Meeting 3:30-5/5:15
Dec 7 - Wellspring-Evergreen visit - 3:30-5/5:15 (during our meeting time)
Dec 13 - Light Up Wyoming-Civic Center - 5:45ish-8ish
Feb - Ronald McDonald House

If we don't finish our gifts for the residents at the retirement community, I might need to call on you guys for an hour or so some evening or weekend. I'll let you know.

Thanks, Girls! You are the best!

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